Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Product Information

Brighten your Christmas with a bouquet of vibrant red roses and winter greens, beautifully arranged in a hand-painted ceramic ornament jar with sparkling stars.

Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet features red roses, miniature red carnations, and white button spray chrysanthemums. Enhanced with cedar, white pine, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller, and parvifolia eucalyptus, it's presented in Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Ornament, adding seasonal elegance to any celebration.

Substitution Policy

Due to seasonality and regional availability of flowers, it is sometimes necessary to make substitutions of equal or greater value. We'll make every effort to maintain the look and feel of the arrangement you've ordered. We're committed to delivering your floral arrangement on time and as fresh and beautiful as possible.

Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet

Item # T24X400A

Yes, make it extra special!

Local Florist Since 1965
Hand Designed & Arranged
Fast, Same Day Delivery
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